...Somewhat more successful are the thirteen wash drawings he produced a year later for Viginia Eifert's novel, Three Rivers South: A Story of Young Abe Lincoln. The images of these works, with their steamboats and river characters, resembles that of his earlier designs for Life on the Mississippi. However they are far more polished, even a bit slick - rather in the manner of Benton's late historical murals. The sculptural handling of the figures and the somewhat academic technique suggest that Benton may have modeled these works on wash drawings by his famous Missouri predecessor George Caleb Bingham. - Dr.Henry Adams, Thomas Hart Benton: Drawing from Life |
Young Abe Lincoln
c. 1953, Ink, ink wash and gouache
12 7/8 (H) x 8 1/2 (W) inches
Signed and initialed lower right "Benton B."
Frontispiece illustration |
Foot on log, wind in his hair, big hands waving the mallet for emphasis, Abe'd go on for twenty minutes from memory
c. 1953, Ink, ink wash and gouache
10 3/4 (H) x 7 1/4 (W) inches
Signed and initialed lower right "Benton B."
Illustrated, Page 4 |
In the surging, boiling, whirling current of the flooding Sangamon, the canoe was at the mercy of the tossing brown water
c. 1953, Ink, ink wash and gouache
10 3/4 (H) x 7 1/4 (W) inches
Signed and initialed lower right "Benton B."
Illustrated, Page 5 |
The boys yelled and the dogs barked and the hogs squealed and trumpeted as they charged desperately
c. 1953, Ink, ink wash and gouache
10 3/4 (H) x 7 1/4 (W) inches
Signed and initialed lower right "Benton B."
Illustrated, Page 36 |
Abe tried to stop the big boat before she was wrecked. She stopped all right, stopped with a sickening crunch
c. 1953, Ink, ink wash and gouache
10 3/4 (H) x 7 3/16 (W) inches
Signed and initialed lower right "Benton B."
Illustrated, Page 37 |
Abe leaped like a long-legged panther in the direction of the sound, and just outside the circle of light...he ran into a man
c. 1953, Ink, ink wash and gouache
10 3/4 (H) x 7 1/4 (W) inches
Signed and initialed lower right "Benton B."
Illustrated, Page 68 |
"Well sir," Abe continued, "when he heard all the racket and smelled...brimstone...the chief walked out on the cliff top
c. 1953, Ink, ink wash and gouache
10 3/4 (H) x 7 1/4 (W) inches
Signed lower left "Benton"
Illustrated, Page 69 |
Abe nosed the flatboat toward the shore and she settld into a berth on the crowded bustling St. Louis water front
c. 1953, Ink, ink wash and gouache
10 3/4 (H) x 7 1/4 (W) inches
Signed and initialed lower left "Benton B."
Illustrated, Page 100 |
"My pappy say you-all should come up to the house," the girl repeated patiently. "Y'll must be fair soaked."
c. 1953, Ink, ink wash and gouache
10 3/4 (H) x 7 3/16 (W) inches
Signed and initialed lower right "Benton B."
Illustrated, Page 132 |
It was a glorious bright day when Abe Lincoln tied up the flatboat at the Natchez water front, along Silver Street
c. 1953, Ink, ink wash and gouache
10 3/4 (H) x 7 1/4 (W) inches
Signed and initialed lower right "Benton B."
Illustrated, Page 133 |
Denton Offutt at once became the man of business. He brushed off his best coat, buffed his hat, shined his boots and bustled off
c. 1953, Ink, ink wash and gouache
10 3/4 (H) x 7 1/4 (W) inches
Signed lower right "Benton"
Illustrated, Page 164 |
A month in the old city which was New Orleans in 1831 could hardly be dull to Abe and Jack, sallying out to explore
c. 1953, Ink, ink wash and gouache
10 3/4 (H) x 7 1/4 (W) inches
Signed lower left "Benton" and initialed lower right "B."
Illustrated, Page 165 |